As I mentioned previously our Book Club will be meeting next Saturday, and will be hosted by yours truly. I was not present at the last meeting ( which ended up being a good thing) as I wanted to be in bed early. Our meetings, which start at 6:30 p.m. often don't end until 12:00 or later. I had to get up early to head over to Huntington Beach to spend the morning run/walking a half marathon. I think if I would have gone to the meeting I would have had a hard time falling asleep with all the drama that took place that evening.
The battle lines appeared to be drawn over a common theme "What will we read next?" We had decided, quite early in the establishment of our club that a member would pick a book when it was their turn, and it would be read by all the club members. Sounds simple, right? For one reason or another, when it comes time to pick a book, more often than not, we have to figure it out as a group and we get into a big discussion. The person who should have chosen may not have shown up that night, nor think to advised another member of their book choice, or perhaps the member forgot it was their turn. At that point, there are members who can easily come up with several options, but of course they might not be books that appeal to everyone.
It was decided that the person who was to pick the next book, would e-mail us with several options, and allow the rest to vote on the book we would most like to read. It did work out that the majority picked
The Help, and thus it will be discussed next. As I wasn't at the meeting when this was all decided, I read the book and I'm bracing myself to see what the next meeting will bring!